Donating to Shared Worlds

While Shared Worlds is hosted by Wofford College, the program functions independently. Shared Worlds receives no direct financial support from Wofford and is instead funded by participant tuition. Contributions from donors and our support from have helped us to offer greater scholarship support to our students and to provide a better overall Shared Worlds experience. Our hope is to make Shared Worlds a possibility for all registered students, no matter what their financial need.

Shared Worlds is very grateful for recent contributions from Warren Lapine, Lisa Harrigan (in memory of Eadie Deutsch), Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman.

How to Donate to Shared Worlds

All donations are tax deductible. To donate by mail, make checks payable to "Shared Worlds" and mail to:

Shared Worlds / Attn: Kim Henry
Wofford College
429 North Church Street
Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663

To donate online, please follow these instructions:

  1. The link below takes you to a page that first asks in what form you would like to make your contribution (check, credit card, etc.). After selecting the proper button, click the button in the bottom right corner of that page. 

  2. On the next page, in the box labeled “Gift Designation 1”, select “Other” and then type “Shared Worlds” in the appropriate box. Enter the dollar amount and then proceed to fill out the rest of the form. (NOTE: For a Shared Worlds contribution, not all fields need to be completed.) 

  3. Click the button in the bottom right corner labeled “Review.” 

  4. Review your information and then click the button in the bottom right corner of the page labeled “Charge Your Credit Card.” 

  5. Complete the process.